Three different systems were developed for this analysis using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) and obtained accuracies 98.08%, 97.88% and 98.16% respectively. Then, individual morphemes can be further analysed to identify the grammatical structure of the word. In this paper, we propose a deep learning approach for learning the rules for identifying the morphemes automatically and segmenting them from the original word. Therefore, determining the morpheme boundaries becomes a tough task, especially in languages like Malayalam. Due to sandhi, many morphological changes occur at the conjoining position of morphemes. Sandhi splitting is important in the morphological analysis of agglutinative languages like Malayalam, because of the richness in morphology, inflections and sandhi. In this exercise, you have to learn all the rational number properties, such as closure, distributive. This process is termed as sandhi splitting. FREE PDF updated for new academic 2022-23 year. This learn Malayalam workbook includes 1000's. This traditional learning method is a refreshing choice in this digital age. We suggest printing out the Malayalam exercise book and doing the exercises with a pen or pencil. In order to perform this task, morphemes have to be separated from the original word. A full 20 pages of exercises in English and Malayalam to help you learn the most important words and phrases in the language. It is the study of the rules of word construction by analysing the syntactic properties and morphological information. It will allow you to learn basic Malayalam terms and phrases. Morphological analysis is one of the fundamental tasks in computational processing of natural languages. in Telugu Tags: learn, marathi, telugu, 30 days, indian, languages, pdf, download, e-book.